Never Come Down

“If you never take a chance, you can never get it wrong, so you better take a chance before it’s gone”. These lyrics from “Chances” have become a mantra for the members of Never Come Down. As Joe Suskind puts it, “I suddenly had all these opportunities- hosting a weekly bluegrass showcase, meeting a publisher who liked my music and finding musicians who were writing, playing, and aligning their lives with their craft like me. We all felt the pull to take a chance on our music and each other. We’re taking a real swing at it.” Earnest songwriting, dedication to craft, and genuine care for the music is at the forefront of what they do. “We
never tell each other what to play. You can feel when the music is right”.

It’s that feeling- that space Never Come Down creates- that has captivated audiences from the onset.

Never Come Down members:
Joe Suskind: Lead Guitar/Vocals
Crystal Lariza: Rhythm Guitar/Vocals
Kaden Hurst: Mandolin
Lillian Sawyer: Fiddle
Brian Alley: Banjo
Ben Ticknor: Bass

We can be contacted for bookings, at
Contact : Brian Alley 303-330-8414