OBA Grants

Grant Opportunities

The Oregon Bluegrass Association (OBA) helps cultivate the community with The Steve Waller Memorial Grant, and the The Nora Candey Memorial Songwriting Grant. By assisting individuals through the grants, we hope to further the community and spirit of Bluegrass in the Pacific Northwest.

Additional details & history are available on the individual grant pages.

Online Application Form

Download Application Form

Funding & Donations

If you would like to donate to one of the grants, you can do so through a secure Paypal link here. Select the Grant you wish to support from the drop-down menu. Or, if you prefer, you can mail a check or money order to

Oregon Bluegrass Association, c/o (Grant preference), P.O. Box 1115, Portland, Oregon, 97207

Resources supporting the Grants include: OBA general account funds, donations from the Oregon bluegrass community, and potentially grants from various other organizations. OBA’s goal is to receive enough support so that the principal balance remains intact in perpetuity and regular earnings support annual grant awards.

Until that point is achieved, OBA will strive to maintain financial resources to award funds deemed sufficient for recipients. Grant awards may vary in amount and may be awarded to one or more recipients. OBA’s Committee will review applications and recommend award recipient(s) and amount(s) to the OBA Board of Directors for final approval. The OBA aims to present the award annually at the Annual Meeting in April.