
The Bluegrass Express is a two time winner of the SPGMA Bluegrass Publication of the Year!

An ad in a quarterly issue of the award-winning Bluegrass Express newsletter reaching over 500 households of bluegrass enthusiasts.

Your ad revenue helps the Oregon Bluegrass Association continue the promotion of bluegrass music in the Northwest. Please contact our Ad Rep at to place your ad. Thank you!


WINTER (Jan, Feb, Mar)Jan 2December 1December 1
SPRING (Apr, May, June)April 1March 1March 1
SUMMER (July, Aug, Sept)July 1June 1June 1
FALL(Oct, Nov, Dec)Oct 1Sept 1Sept 1

Information: regarding placing new advertising for your business in the OBA Bluegrass Express, please contact the advertising manager, Pat Connell.

Please email your ad materials to

Payment: The Oregon Bluegrass Association would like payment in advance. If you’re running the advertisement for one year, we would like payment for six months in advance. We will bill for the following six months if you wish.

Please make checks payable to:
Oregon Bluegrass Association and mail them to PO Box 1115, Portland, OR 97207.