October Jam-a-thon Fundraisers

October Jam-a-thon
Several dates and locations around Oregon to choose from. All events will be in support of the Steve Waller Grant and Nora Candey Songwriting Grant.

October 6
Corral Creek Bluegrass Band concert
Stewart’s Hall
158 SW Broadway, Mill City.
For more information call
Ken Cartwright 593-597-2941.

Bevel Brewing Jam
911 SE Armour Road.
Bend, Oregon
3-5 pm
Jake Soto, Host

October 12
Women’s Bluegrass Jam &House Concert.
12215 SE 38th Ave, Milwaukie
4-6 pm

October 13
Nechville Banjos West
in Sisters
3-5:30 pm

October 6 & 20
Rogue Eastside Pub,
928 SE 9th Ave, Portland. 1 – 4PM.
October 13 & 27
Artichoke Music,
2007 SE Powell, Portland.
1- 4 pm ($5 cover charge)
Hosted by Gary Hilbers – 503 730-9628

for more info contact Linda Leavitt